8. Zechariah's Prophecy

Luke 1:67-80

In today's text Zechariah, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, gives us a powerful and comprehensive view of the Gospel.  He knew that his son, John, was going to declare the knowledge of salvation to God's people. He knew that his son would proclaim the tender mercy of God in Christ to declare the forgiveness of sins.  John's mission was to prepare the way of the Lord, to call sinners to repentance, and to declare that in Christ the promised salvation of God has arrived.  John fulfilled that calling even until his death.

Zechariah's prophetic hymn speaks back to us that our task is essentially a continuation of his son, John's.  We are to be unashamed in declaring the Gospel of God's salvation; unashamed to tell others of the mercy and forgiveness that is found only in Christ.  It’s my desire that we would all be engaged with this kind of devotion to God.  Let's look together in Luke chapter 1 at Zechariah's prophecy.

-Pastor Terry


9. The Birth of Jesus


7. Mercy and Fear that Motivates