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55. Be Bold & Shameless

Luke 11:5-13

A couple of weeks ago we read of two sisters, Mary and Martha. Martha was upset that she was doing all of the work around the house while Mary sat at the feet of Jesus. Martha thought it just wasn't fair that she was overwhelmed and busy while Mary did nothing to help. We know that Mary made the right choice by stopping to spend time with Jesus. But many of us often feel like...

Luke 11:5-13

A couple of weeks ago we read of two sisters, Mary and Martha. Martha was upset that she was doing all of the work around the house while Mary sat at the feet of Jesus. Martha thought it just wasn't fair that she was overwhelmed and busy while Mary did nothing to help. We know that Mary made the right choice by stopping to spend time with Jesus. But many of us often feel like Martha. We're too busy, and we have too many things on our schedule. "Everybody else" seems to have it all together while we just work, work, work. Stress is your first, middle, and last name.

In today's text, Jesus continues to respond to the disciples’ request from last week's message, "Lord, teach us to pray". Jesus has given them an outline, a pattern of prayer. Today He illustrates the importance of being persistent in prayer. In fact, we are to be bold and shameless when coming before the throne of God. We'll learn today that God gives us the assurance that persistence and boldness in prayer results in the following promise: "For every one who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened." God is the one who lightens our burdens and meets our daily needs. How bold and persistent are you when you pray?

-Pastor Terry

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54. The Disciples' Request

Luke 11:1-4

Our text this morning continues to press us to ask what is “actually important”. We learned last week that sitting at Jesus’ feet and listening to His Word is the one thing necessary in life. We commune with the Lord when we read His Word.  Another way to commune with the Lord is to spend time with Him in prayer. Luke is...

Luke 11:1-4

Our text this morning continues to press us to ask what is “actually important”. We learned last week that sitting at Jesus’ feet and listening to His Word is the one thing necessary in life. We commune with the Lord when we read His Word.  Another way to commune with the Lord is to spend time with Him in prayer. Luke is laying a foundation for every Christ-follower.

The disciples watched and followed Jesus and saw how close He was to God.  They desired this as well. In our scripture today they said to Jesus, "Lord, teach us to pray." When they watched His life, they saw a life totally dedicated to God and in communion with God. Is that something you and I desire?  Does our Christian walk reflect a life that is dedicated to and in communion with God?  Perhaps we too need to say, "Lord, teach us to pray."

-Pastor Terry

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53. First Things First

Luke 10:38-42

Our text this morning speaks of what is “pressing or urgent” and what is “actually important”. We all strive to do the things that are important to us, but we’re often distracted by things that are “pressing or urgent”– things that have to be done right now that aren’t necessarily a part of the central values of our life as a Christ follower.

So, how do we strike a...

Luke 10:38-42

Our text this morning speaks of what is “pressing or urgent” and what is “actually important”. We all strive to do the things that are important to us, but we’re often distracted by things that are “pressing or urgent”– things that have to be done right now that aren’t necessarily a part of the central values of our life as a Christ follower.

So, how do we strike a balance between the urgent things and the important things? In today's passage Christ is teaching us, every Christ follower, what is important rather than what is urgent. Let’s ask ourselves this question: What is the one activity that you know if you did it with excellence and consistency, that would have a significant positive result in your walk as a Christ follower? I believe our text today will help us find the answer.

-Pastor Terry

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46. The Glory of Christ

Luke 9:28-36

In our text last week we were given instructions by our Lord Jesus Christ how to live a Christ-centered life. The scripture showed us that a true unashamed disciple of Jesus is one whose life focuses on Him, denying self, and taking up his or her cross daily and following our Lord.

In today's text we find these words: ”He (Jesus) took with Him Peter and John...

Luke 9:28-36

In our text last week we were given instructions by our Lord Jesus Christ how to live a Christ-centered life. The scripture showed us that a true unashamed disciple of Jesus is one whose life focuses on Him, denying self, and taking up his or her cross daily and following our Lord.

In today's text we find these words: ”He (Jesus) took with Him Peter and John and James and went up on the mountain to pray.  And as He was praying, the appearance of His face was altered, and His clothing became dazzling white.” What were the disciples seeing? What did this mean? Days earlier they heard Jesus tell of His future rejection, crucifixion, and resurrection.  After seeing  the transfiguration of Jesus, seeing His glory, they were hopeful.  What does this mean for us?  Let's look together at Luke 9 and see what the scripture is teaching us.

-Pastor Terry

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45. The Life of a Disciple

Luke 9:23-27

Back in the 70's we saw an explosion of "self-help" books hit the bookstores, many of them topping the New York Times best seller list. The teaching of building up ones self-esteem spread like wildfire, even within our own churches. You can turn on a radio station almost any time of day and listen to someone teach you how to love and accept yourself unconditionally.  I am good.  I can do anything.  I deserve this or that.  We literally have fallen in love with ourselves...

Luke 9:23-27

Back in the 70's we saw an explosion of "self-help" books hit the bookstores, many of them topping the New York Times best seller list. The teaching of building up ones self-esteem spread like wildfire, even within our own churches. You can turn on a radio station almost any time of day and listen to someone teach you how to love and accept yourself unconditionally.  I am good.  I can do anything.  I deserve this or that.  We literally have fallen in love with ourselves.

But in today's text we find these words..."If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.” Jesus wrote these words to all who would be one of His disciples (a true follower of Christ). A true, unashamed disciple of Jesus Christ is one whose life is centered on Christ, taking up the cross daily, denying self, and following our Lord with eternity in view. Do we live this way? Are we following Christ every day or do we live for self?  Let's look together at today's text and learn more about being a true disciple of Jesus Christ.

-Pastor Terry

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44. Who Do You Say That I Am?

Luke 9:18-22

In today's text we're going to look at two questions that Jesus asked the twelve apostles. The first question was, "Who do the crowds say that I am?" They had a brief discussion about this question. But the second question He asked them had huge implications. It was a life-and-death question. Jesus asked, "But who do you...

Luke 9:18-22

In today's text we're going to look at two questions that Jesus asked the twelve apostles. The first question was, "Who do the crowds say that I am?" They had a brief discussion about this question. But the second question He asked them had huge implications. It was a life-and-death question. Jesus asked, "But who do you say that I am?" There are other crucial spiritual questions, but perhaps none more important than this one.

This question cannot be answered simply by accumulating more information. This question cannot be answered by knowledge alone. When one answers this question there will be a risk and a radical trust involved.  Either we commit ourselves to Christ or we separate ourselves from Him, His identity, and His mission. This crucial question in today's passage is for us as well. "Who do you say that I am?"

-Pastor Terry

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43. The All-Sufficient Savior

Luke 9:10-17

Today's text is one of my favorite stories from the Bible, the feeding of the five thousand.  It's such a wonderful display of the sufficiency of Jesus Christ. He displays His sufficiency by means of His power and His provision. These verses teach us that God's provision for us is sure and abundant, in spite of our lack of faith and understanding. We'll...

Luke 9:10-17

Today's text is one of my favorite stories from the Bible, the feeding of the five thousand.  It's such a wonderful display of the sufficiency of Jesus Christ. He displays His sufficiency by means of His power and His provision. These verses teach us that God's provision for us is sure and abundant, in spite of our lack of faith and understanding. We'll see in this text that Jesus presents a challenge to His disciples: "You give them something to eat."  We're talking thousands of people! But this challenge causes the disciples–and the crowd–to look to God to provide the needed meal.

We'll see in today's message that Jesus graciously provided for the people what they could not provide for themselves, modeling for us a great example of faith and action toward God that we should strive for ourselves. Everything depends on Jesus, for He is the all-sufficient One.  Let's study Luke 9:10-17 together today.

-Pastor Terry

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42. The Commission

Luke 9:1-9

As we return to our study of the Gospel of Luke today, I want us to be reminded of something.  Luke wrote this book to assure his readers of the certainty of the things which they have been taught and to realize that the rejection of Jesus by the Jews, as well as the acceptance of the Gentiles into the Kingdom of God, was all a part of God's...

Luke 9:1-9

As we return to our study of the Gospel of Luke today, I want us to be reminded of something.  Luke wrote this book to assure his readers of the certainty of the things which they have been taught and to realize that the rejection of Jesus by the Jews, as well as the acceptance of the Gentiles into the Kingdom of God, was all a part of God's plan.

We'll see in today's text, Luke 9:1-9, that the disciples are being commissioned to proclaim the Kingdom of God, to preach the Gospel. This text is actually about two kingdoms:  The Kingdom of God (light) and the kingdom of Satan (darkness).  We can only be a citizen of one of the kingdoms and Jesus is sending His disciples out to proclaim this message.  Choosing the Kingdom of God means utter reliance on Him and obeying His commandments.  Choosing the kingdom of Satan leads to death.  Let's look together at this passage today.

-Pastor Terry

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41. The Grace and Mercy of God

Luke 8:26-39

Have you ever noticed that some Christians only cry out to God when they have a problem? Health, wealth, and prosperity can rob us of our sense of desperation. Love for this present world creeps into our lives subtly, like a spiritual leprosy and can damage our spiritual sensitivity. When that happens...

Luke 8:26-39

Have you ever noticed that some Christians only cry out to God when they have a problem? Health, wealth, and prosperity can rob us of our sense of desperation. Love for this present world creeps into our lives subtly, like a spiritual leprosy and can damage our spiritual sensitivity. When that happens we have a tendency to believe we don't need God so we no longer cry out to Him.

Then trouble comes. Perhaps a deadly disease, a financial crisis,broken relationships. In these moments of desperation we cry out to God. But it's during these times that God may choose to give us something more than just the momentary relief of our present situation. He gives us His grace and His mercy. Let's look at both of these gifts as we study our text today in Luke 8:40-56.

-Pastor Terry

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39. Who Then Is This?

Luke 8:22-25

Perhaps you have noticed that in Dr. Luke's gospel he often groups together what seems to be very different stories. But each story serves a purpose with a point or truth that he wants to emphasize to us. Earlier in this gospel we focused on the miracles that Christ performed. These revealed to the multitudes that Christ is the Savior... 

Luke 8:22-25

Perhaps you have noticed that in Dr. Luke's gospel he often groups together what seems to be very different stories. But each story serves a purpose with a point or truth that he wants to emphasize to us. Earlier in this gospel we focused on the miracles that Christ performed. These revealed to the multitudes that Christ is the Savior.  

In today's text we'll look at another miracle performed by Jesus. This is directed primarily to the disciples. Luke recorded this miracle and others to teach the disciples how to live the life God had called them to in a fallen world. These lessons can be applied to us today. How did Jesus respond when faced with trials and tribulations? How should we respond?  The disciples witnessed the power and authority of Jesus and asked, "Who then is this?"  Let's look at that question today as we prepare to study God's word.

-Pastor Terry

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38. Did You Listen to What I Said?

Luke 8:16-21

Today we return to our study in the Gospel of Luke. Previously, we read of the Parable of the Sower in Luke 8:1-15. Jesus gave an exhortation to His disciples and to you and I, “…as for that in the good soil, they are those who, hearing the word, hold it fast in an honest and good heart, and bear...

Luke 8:16-21

Today we return to our study in the Gospel of Luke. Previously, we read of the Parable of the Sower in Luke 8:1-15. Jesus gave an exhortation to His disciples and to you and I, “…as for that in the good soil, they are those who, hearing the word, hold it fast in an honest and good heart, and bear fruit with patience.” In this parable, Jesus was speaking to His disciples about what the Word is designed to produce in our lives and how we know whether or not we have truly received the Word of God. 

In today's text, Luke 8:16—21, we'll read about the story of the lamp and about the mother of Jesus and His brothers coming to visit Him. This passage reinforces the point made in the parable of the sower. That is, did you listen to God's Word and  respond to it? So let's bear that in mind as we prepare to hear God's Word.

-Pastor Terry

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37. Have You Heard the Gospel?

Luke 8:1-15

In our text today, Jesus uses a parable to teach why some accept and believe the message of the gospel but others do not. We understand that the Word of God is powerful in every situation, yet not all people are equally prepared to hear the message and incorporate it into their lives...  

Luke 8:1-15

In our text today, Jesus uses a parable to teach why some accept and believe the message of the gospel but others do not. We understand that the Word of God is powerful in every situation, yet not all people are equally prepared to hear the message and incorporate it into their lives.  

In this text the message is clear: Listen carefully when you come to hear the gospel! Be ready to listen completely with both your ears and your heart. In order that the gospel take root and bear fruit. So, let’s open to Luke 8:1-15.

-Pastor Terry

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36. Doubts Arise

Luke 7:18-35

Do you ever struggle with doubt? Do you doubt when you're in the middle of painful circumstances? Do you doubt even when you know you shouldn't? I think I can say that all of us, at some time or another, have found ourselves doubting. In today's study we're going to take a look at John the Baptist and his struggle with doubt. Yes...

Luke 7:18-35

Do you ever struggle with doubt? Do you doubt when you're in the middle of painful circumstances? Do you doubt even when you know you shouldn't? I think I can say that all of us, at some time or another, have found ourselves doubting. In today's study we're going to take a look at John the Baptist and his struggle with doubt. Yes, John the Baptist the forerunner of Jesus Christ. In Luke chapter 7 we'll find John stuck alone in a prison cell and he has been assaulted by horrible, accusing thoughts about who Jesus is. Had he been wrong about Jesus?

In our text we'll see that John sent two of his disciples to pose a question to Jesus: "Are You the one who is to come, or shall we look for another?" Many are struggling with doubt today and they are wondering if Jesus Christ is really who He says He is. Is He the Messiah and the Son of God? Let's look at this passage together today.

-Pastor Terry

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34. Jesus, the Messiah

Luke 7:1-17

As we return to our study in the Gospel of Luke, we arereminded that Luke is a physician and a travel companion of the apostle Paul. He’s a scholar who gives attention to detail who has searched out diligently, and traced accurately, every possible detail to give us a precise account of the life and events of Jesus.  

It is here...

Luke 7:1-17

As we return to our study in the Gospel of Luke, we are reminded that Luke is a physician and a travel companion of the apostle Paul. He’s a scholar who gives attention to detail who has searched out diligently, and traced accurately, every possible detail to give us a precise account of the life and events of Jesus.  

It is here in Luke 7 that he has recorded for us two stories that are designed to help us to make much of Jesus. Throughout Luke's gospel, and the other gospels, the writers are driving home the point that Jesus is the promised Messiah that Israel has been looking for and he is more fully developing their admiration for Jesus. He’s doing that by showing us God's compassion, God's power, and God’s plan all incarnated perfectly in Jesus. 

Let’s look together today at our text in Luke 7.1-17

-Pastor Terry

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33. The Closing Remarks

Luke 6:39-49

In Luke 6, Jesus spent several verses teaching the disciples what it means to be a Christ follower.  He is teaching them what it looks like to be a true believer, one who loves God, and loves others. Since verse 20 Jesus’ “Sermon on the Plain" has been... 

Luke 6:39-49

In Luke 6, Jesus spent several verses teaching the disciples what it means to be a Christ follower.  He is teaching them what it looks like to be a true believer, one who loves God, and loves others. Since verse 20 Jesus’ “Sermon on the Plain" has been teaching them about Christian character, how to live, and how to treat others.  In other words, being a follower of Jesus Christ is a life-style.  It's not something we put on and take off like a coat whenever it suits us.  Following Jesus takes a heart that is committed to obeying the Lord's commands and having a desire to serve others and please Him.

In today's passage Jesus is giving His "closing remarks" on what it means to be a Christ-follower.  In verses 39-49 we see some parables and imagery that Jesus used to help the disciples, and to help us, understand and see what this kind of life-style looks like. Jesus wants to make sure we get the point of this teaching. Let's look together at our text:  Luke 6:39-49.

-Pastor Terry

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32. How to Treat Others

Luke 6:37-38

I would imagine that you find relationships to be a challenge at times, just like I do. You might even have that certain someone who seems to bring out the worst in you. But perhaps God places people like this in our lives to help us deal with our...

Luke 6:37-38

I would imagine that you find relationships to be a challenge at times, just like I do. You might even have that certain someone who seems to bring out the worst in you. But perhaps God places people like this in our lives to help us deal with our own character flaws. And we all have flaws.  We are, after all, a sinful people. The past couple of weeks have shown us how believers in Christ are to live and conduct themselves. In today's text Jesus continues to address character issues.

The bottom line is this: We are to treat others according to how our Heavenly Father has treated us. Luke 6:31 tells us, "And as you wish that others would do to you, do so to them." How do we do that? Let's look together at Luke 6:37-38.

-Pastor Terry

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31. The Opposite of a Life Well Lived

Luke 6:24-26

A couple of weeks ago Pastor Nate preached a message from the Gospel of Luke about "A Life Well Lived". He spoke how Jesus taught on the upside down nature of kingdom living. In other words, although there is a great cost in following Jesus there are also great blessings in following Him.The blessings are greater than the cost. Being a true... 

Luke 6:24-26

A couple of weeks ago Pastor Nate preached a message from the Gospel of Luke about "A Life Well Lived". He spoke how Jesus taught on the upside down nature of kingdom living. In other words, although there is a great cost in following Jesus there are also great blessings in following Him. The blessings are greater than the cost. Being a true disciple of Christ is a life well lived.

Our study today looks at the opposite of a life well lived; a self-centered life. In fact, Jesus pronounces "woes" to those whose lives are focused on things other than Christ Himself. Although there may be pleasure for a brief time in living for self, the cost of pursuing after worldly things is great. Luke addresses that cost in our text today. Let's look together at four “Woes" and ask God to show us if there needs to be any changes made in our own lives.

-Pastor Terry

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30. How To Love Those Who Persecute You

Luke 6:27-36

Today is International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church. We remember those who have have died because they followed after Christ. We remember those who have lost loved ones and we remember those who are suffering persecution all because they are Christians. When we hear about Christians being shot, raped, tortured and beheaded how do we respond? What...

Luke 6:27-36

Today is International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church. We remember those who have have died because they followed after Christ. We remember those who have lost loved ones and we remember those who are suffering persecution all because they are Christians. When we hear about Christians being shot, raped, tortured and beheaded how do we respond? What kind of attitude is in our heart toward those who persecute our brothers and sisters in Christ? Do you think, as I have been guilty of doing, "They should be put to death for what they have done!"? Or, do you think "Let's get revenge and let’s retaliate". When we see and hear what is happening in our world today it makes us angry, hurt, and even distraught.  To see true believers in Christ Jesus being persecuted and attacked all because they are "Christ followers" is overwhelming to our hearts. It's happening all around us. Not only on the other side of the world but even here in the United States. Our hearts can begin to hate those who are persecuting Christians. In today's text Jesus tells us we are to love our enemies. He teaches us how He wants us to respond to those who are persecuting us. Let's look together at Luke 6:27-36.

-Pastor Terry

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28. A Teachable Moment

Luke 6:6-11

Every now and then we experience a situation and realize that this was one of those “Teachable Moments" in life.  We all have them.  Sometimes those teachable moments get passed by and nothing changes.  Sometimes they are used for our good; they may even be life-changing. Our text today takes us to Luke 6:6-11, where Jesus is teaching in the synagogue...

Luke 6:6-11

Every now and then we experience a situation and realize that this was one of those “Teachable Moments" in life.  We all have them.  Sometimes those teachable moments get passed by and nothing changes.  Sometimes they are used for our good; they may even be life-changing. Our text today takes us to Luke 6:6-11, where Jesus is teaching in the synagogue on the Sabbath. There is a man with a withered hand and he is surrounded by the scribes, the Pharisees, and the by-standers.  Remember, we talked a couple of weeks ago about all of the rules and laws that applied to the Sabbath.  Was Jesus actually going to break the rules and heal this man with the withered hand...on the Sabbath?  Every eye was on Jesus.  But Jesus, already knowing their thoughts, asked them a question:  "Is it lawful on the Sabbath to do good or to do harm, to save life or to destroy it?"  Here was a great teachable moment.  What did Jesus do?  How did they respond?  Let's look together at our study in Luke 6.

-Pastor Terry

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27. Going Against the Grain

Luke 6:1-5

We rejoice in last week's Anniversary Celebration, but today we'll return back to our study in Luke. Looking at Luke 6:1-5. We see Jesus and His disciples walking through a field of grain on the Sabbath. The Pharisees, the religious leaders of that day, question the disciples and want to know what they were doing and why they were picking grain. To the... 

Luke 6:1-5

We rejoice in last week's Anniversary Celebration, but today we'll return back to our study in Luke. Looking at Luke 6:1-5. We see Jesus and His disciples walking through a field of grain on the Sabbath. The Pharisees, the religious leaders of that day, question the disciples and want to know what they were doing and why they were picking grain. To the Pharisees the disciples were "breaking the law". 

In this passage, we’ll see those who seek to discredit and challenge Jesus’ ministry. However, Jesus responds to them with the example of David and points out to them that He is the Lord of the Sabbath. Living out the Gospel is not about how many rules and regulations we keep.  It's all about our devotion to Him, worshiping Him, and praising Him. So, we must ask ourselves: Why do we do what we do? Let's look together at our passage in Luke and learn what God has in store for us today.

-Pastor Terry

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