6. Magnifying God

Luke 1:46-56

How well do you know God?  Do you read His Word?  Do you talk with Him?  Do you praise Him daily? Did you know that the more we know about God helps us to understand who we are? John Calvin wrote in his book Institutes of the Christian Religion: “Nearly all the wisdom we possess, that is to say, true and sound wisdom, consists of two parts: the knowledge of God and of ourselves.”

As we continue our study in Luke chapter 1 we find Mary, the young teenage Jewish girl who was chosen to give birth to the Christ Child, praising God for His mercy and righteous judgments.  Our text is a hymn of praise.  This song came from a heart of one who had a deep understanding of who God is and who she is, a humble servant.  Mary knew God and her soul magnified the Lord and rejoiced in His goodness.

When is the last time you praised God?  Or magnified His name?  Or rejoiced in His goodness?  He is God and we are His humble servants.  He is worthy of our praise.  Let’s look together at our text today.

-Pastor Terry


7. Mercy and Fear that Motivates


5. Fellowship in the Providence of God