5. Fellowship in the Providence of God

Luke 1:39-45

In our message last week God announced through His messenger, the angel Gabriel, to a virgin girl named Mary, that she was going to bare a child. He told her that she was to name that child Jesus and that He would be the Savior of the world. What was her reaction to this news?  She responded in faith: “I am the servant of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word.”  Her faith came from God.    

It’s real easy in reading any narrative to miss the true focus of who the text is about. If we’re not careful we can find ourselves focusing on Mary when we read this passage. But we must remember that everything in God’s Word points to Him. It was God’s plan and His plan would be carried out HIs way and in His time.  The focus is always about God!  

Our text today is no different.  We will see the greatness of God and how He providentially brought Mary and Elizabeth together in fellowship.  It’s my desire for you to see and appreciate the greatness of God, to believe in His Son, Jesus Christ, and allow Him to strengthen your faith.

-Pastor Terry


6. Magnifying God


4. The Announcement of Christ's Birth