4. The Announcement of Christ's Birth

Luke 1:26-38

Announcements come in all shapes and forms. Some may come by way of a formal card or from a casual phone call. Some announcements are posted on social media, like Facebook or Instagram. Announcements are usually for a big event or some very important news such as an engagement, a wedding, or a pregnancy.

In today's text were going to read of an announcement that was like no other. It was an announcement from God through his messenger, the angel Gabriel, to a virgin girl named Mary. He told her that she was going to bare a child, to name that child Jesus, and that her child would be the Savior of the world. Despite some lingering confusion, uncertainty, and perhaps even fear, she responded in faith: "I am the servant of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word".

It’s my heart’s desire that you and I would respond to God with like faith, as Mary did. As we recognize God's sovereign grace and power may we respond with complete obedience. Let's look a little deeper at our text in the first chapter of Luke.

-Pastor Terry



5. Fellowship in the Providence of God


3. God's Grace and Mercy Revealed