45. The Life of a Disciple

Luke 9:23-27

Back in the 70's we saw an explosion of "self-help" books hit the bookstores, many of them topping the New York Times best seller list. The teaching of building up ones self-esteem spread like wildfire, even within our own churches. You can turn on a radio station almost any time of day and listen to someone teach you how to love and accept yourself unconditionally.  I am good.  I can do anything.  I deserve this or that.  We literally have fallen in love with ourselves.

But in today's text we find these words..."If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.” Jesus wrote these words to all who would be one of His disciples (a true follower of Christ). A true, unashamed disciple of Jesus Christ is one whose life is centered on Christ, taking up the cross daily, denying self, and following our Lord with eternity in view. Do we live this way? Are we following Christ every day or do we live for self?  Let's look together at today's text and learn more about being a true disciple of Jesus Christ.

-Pastor Terry


46. The Glory of Christ


44. Who Do You Say That I Am?