43. The All-Sufficient Savior

Luke 9:10-17

Today's text is one of my favorite stories from the Bible, the feeding of the five thousand.  It's such a wonderful display of the sufficiency of Jesus Christ. He displays His sufficiency by means of His power and His provision. These verses teach us that God's provision for us is sure and abundant, in spite of our lack of faith and understanding. We'll see in this text that Jesus presents a challenge to His disciples: "You give them something to eat."  We're talking thousands of people! But this challenge causes the disciples–and the crowd–to look to God to provide the needed meal.

We'll see in today's message that Jesus graciously provided for the people what they could not provide for themselves, modeling for us a great example of faith and action toward God that we should strive for ourselves. Everything depends on Jesus, for He is the all-sufficient One.  Let's study Luke 9:10-17 together today.

-Pastor Terry


44. Who Do You Say That I Am?


42. The Commission