14. True Repentance Bears Fruit

Luke 3: 7-14

Last week we talked about John the Baptist preparing the way for Jesus Christ the Messiah. He came to the people with a Message of Hope. There was hope for their sin by forgiveness through Jesus Christ. For sin to be forgiven there must be true repentance. Repentance is at the heart of John's message.

In today's text we see John confronting those who came to him to be baptized. His message to them was harsh, confrontational, and uncompromising. He called for "true repentance” that leads to a changed heart and a changed life. When there is true repentance there will be fruit that others will see.

Has a true repentance taken place in your life? Does your conduct show that repentance has taken place? Are you bearing fruit? These are questions that each of us should be asking ourselves today as we continue our study in Luke 3.

-Pastor Terry


15. Our Perspective Versus God's Perspective


13. The Message of Hope