2. Does The World Need A Savior?

Romans 1:18-21, Assorted Scriptures 

Our Vision and Purpose statement tells you who we are and why we exist: “CrossBridge Church exist to bring Glory to God by Making Gospel Disciples and Sharing the Love of Christ with our community and our world!”

If we are going to fulfill our Vision and Purpose statement, we must know “Who Jesus is”! This is vitally important before we can bring any glory to God or even attempt to make Gospel Disciples. So, let me pose a question, How can you or I even begin to try to share the love of Christ with our community and our world if we do not know “Who Jesus is” beyond “He’s my Savior”?

As we look deeper each week into our study of “Who is Jesus?” We will explore His deity, His attributes, and His miracles. The Scriptures will reveal to us His great love and passion for mankind leading to the ultimate sacrifice—His crucifixion on a Roman cross for our sins. It’s my prayer that you will be here for the next 10 weeks as we explore “Who is Jesus?”

We will be exploring the thought “Does the World Need a Savior?” That question applies to you...”Do You Need a Savior?” I want you to think about that as we study God’s Word today! 

-Pastor Terry


3. The Beginning of the Gospel of Jesus Christ


1. Who Is Jesus Historically?