CrossBridge Church CrossBridge Church

8. Justification

Matthew 5:17-48 

As we continue in our "Who is Jesus?” series, we plan to take some time to discuss Jesus' role in the first part of our salvation. Our salvation actually has three basic parts. Justification, sanctification, and glorification. But all to often our justification becomes a small dot in the review mirror of our Christian walk. When in fact it is the very foundation on which our Christian faith is built...

Matthew 5:17-48

As we continue in our "Who is Jesus?” series, we plan to take some time to discuss Jesus' role in the first part of our salvation. Our salvation actually has three basic parts. Justification, sanctification, and glorification. But all to often our justification becomes a small dot in the review mirror of our Christian walk. When in fact it is the very foundation on which our Christian faith is built.

Because life is often hard it becomes easy for us to focus on our sanctification and how we need to grow during hard times. We also tend to get focused on our glorification because it will be awesome when we won't have to live in this sin cursed world any longer. But we don't want to be so focused on those two and minimize justification. So our goal today is to renew our passion for Christ by answering four basic questions that will reveal the majesty of Christ in His justification of us. I have been personally convicted during my study for todays sermon, and I pray that the same happens for you. 

-Pastor Nate

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