CrossBridge Church CrossBridge Church

3. The Majesty of God Revealed in the Incarnation of Christ

John 1:1-16

As we continue in our series about the majesty of God, we want to take some time to look at the majesty of God as it’s revealed in the incarnation of Christ. There are many things that are attacked in our faith, but there is nothing that has come more under fire than the person and work of Jesus... 

John 1:1-16

As we continue in our series about the majesty of God, we want to take some time to look at the majesty of God as it’s revealed in the incarnation of Christ. There are many things that are attacked in our faith, but there is nothing that has come more under fire than the person and work of Jesus.  

I hope today that you are more amazed by who God is as we look at John 1:1-16 to see the rich depth of Jesus revealed in this passage. I pray you are blessed by this teaching from God’s Word and that you are strengthened to be unashamed of the gospel this coming week.

-Pastor Nate

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CrossBridge Church CrossBridge Church

1. The Majesty of God Revealed in Creation, Our Weakness, and Christ

Psalm 8

As we find ourselves heading into the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, it is important for us to slow down and consider how our hearts are interacting with what the world would tell us is important.  During this time of year it is important to give thanks for the good gifts that we have been given - like family, friends, food, and presents.  But... 

Psalm 8

As we find ourselves heading into the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, it is important for us to slow down and consider how our hearts are interacting with what the world would tell us is important.  During this time of year it is important to give thanks for the good gifts that we have been given - like family, friends, food, and presents.  But we have to be careful that we do not love the gifts more than the good gift Giver.

With this sermon I hope to encourage you to stop, look around, and grow in your awe of God.  I pray that you are encouraged to see God in the everyday moments and to worship him as you enjoy the gifts He has given.

-Pastor Nate

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