2. The Majesty of God Revealed in the Hope of Christ

Isaiah 59:1-20

As we think over the events of these past several weeks, we find ourselves focusing on these dark moments in our world and specifically our society. We are now feeling the uncertainty of life enlarge partly due to the terrorist attack on Paris last November 13th, the shooting of three and the wounding of others at a Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado Springs, CO, and the terrorist attack this past Tuesday, December 2nd in San Bernardino killing 14 people and injuring 17 more. The fact that we live in a violent world is something that we, as true believers, understand and yet we wonder how anyone can be motivated to this kind of violent act. 

So, let me ask you a question: when you’re dealing with these dark moments in our world and the uncertainties of life, where is your hope? It’s my desire to encourage you to see the only true hope is found in Christ. It’s my prayer that in the uncertainties of life and these dark moments in our world that your hope is anchored in the sovereign Christ.

-Pastor Terry


3. The Majesty of God Revealed in the Incarnation of Christ


1. The Majesty of God Revealed in Creation, Our Weakness, and Christ