CrossBridge Church CrossBridge Church

48. Humility: A Counter-Cultural Approach to Greatness

Luke 9:46-55

Recently, if you’ve read the news, scrolled through social media sites, or watched any amount of television, there has been much debate about greatness. Presidential nominees are declaring how they will be a great president, tech companies declare they have the next greatest invention, and news anchors discuss weather or not a particular Olympic athlete is indeed the greatest of all time.

But have you

Luke 9:46-55

Recently, if you’ve read the news, scrolled through social media sites, or watched any amount of television, there has been much debate about greatness. Presidential nominees are declaring how they will be a great president, tech companies declare they have the next greatest invention, and news anchors discuss weather or not a particular Olympic athlete is indeed the greatest of all time.

But have you ever wondered how God defines greatness? In our text today, Luke will take us through three different stories that point out the truth about greatness as defined by God Himself.  

-Pastor Matt

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CrossBridge Church CrossBridge Church

35. Our Sins Are Great. God's Forgiveness Is Greater

Luke 7:36-50

Many people, both believers and non-believers alike, have an incorrect view of who Jesus is. Some believe He was just a prophet, while others believed He was a good moral man. Some believe Him to be the Son of God who came strictly to die for our sins and then went back to heaven and has left us alone. ..

Luke 7:36-50

Many people, both believers and non-believers alike, have an incorrect view of who Jesus is. Some believe He was just a prophet, while others believed He was a good moral man. Some believe Him to be the Son of God who came strictly to die for our sins and then went back to heaven and has left us alone. Some believe He is angry with them and many believe He requires them to be perfect before they are able to have a relationship with Him. Luke however, identifies Jesus as "The friend of sinners" (Luke 7:34). The one who paid the debt of sin. Today, it is my prayer that everyone in our church gathering will walk away with a greater biblical understanding of who Jesus is. 

-Pastor Matt

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CrossBridge Church CrossBridge Church

22. Jesus is God!

Luke 5:1-11 

Last week we saw just how awesome Jesus is. Jesus has the power to heal the sick, cast out demons and draw massive crowds through His teaching. As we continue our study in Luke we get to see Jesus once again teaching the multitudes His gospel, preform an incredible miracle and then call Simon, James, and John as His first disciples...

Luke 5:1-11

Last week we saw just how awesome Jesus is. Jesus has the power to heal the sick, cast out demons and draw massive crowds through His teaching. As we continue our study in Luke we get to see Jesus once again teaching the multitudes His gospel, preform an incredible miracle and then call Simon, James, and John as His first disciples.

My prayer for all of us today is that our hearts will be encouraged that no matter where we find ourselves in life’s journey Jesus is God, He is alive, He has power over all things, and we should be encouraged to go out and spread His gospel to those He has placed in our lives. 

-Pastor Matt

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