52. Questions, Answers, and the Meaning of Life

Luke 10:25-37

Today as we remember the tragic events that happened 15 years ago, we get to look at a passage that is a great reminder of the many heroic events that happened that day. Our lives were changed that day as the events unfolded. We all felt the sting of those heinous acts that were committed in an attempt to strike fear in our hearts.

But today we are going to focus on the even more powerful acts of love that happened that day. As we look at Luke 10:25-73, we are reminded that the life of a Christian should be one that strives to help those who are in need. When people have been hurt Jesus reminds us that we should be moved with compassion to do whatever we can to help them. This passage will stretch out thinking in that we should not just strive to help the ones we love, but anyone who is in need. I hope you are challenged to live out your faith as you strive to love God and others.

-Pastor Nate


53. First Things First


51. The Return of the 72