CrossBridge Church CrossBridge Church

1. Sin's Stranglehold on the Saints

Colossians 3:1-11

If someone were to ask you about your favorite verse or passage in the Bible what passage would you take them to? This is the question that I was asked as I began to prepare for this weeks sermon. Although you would think this is an easy question to answer for a pastor I had to spend some...

Colossians 3:1-11

If someone were to ask you about your favorite verse or passage in the Bible what passage would you take them to? This is the question that I was asked as I began to prepare for this weeks sermon. Although you would think this is an easy question to answer for a pastor I had to spend some time thinking about it. The Bible is overflowing with truth after truth that if a Christian would simply believe and put into practice their lives would be forever changed.

This still left me with the difficult decision of choosing a passage that I personally have found impactful. I have settled on that passage being Colossians 3:1-11. This passage has some of the deepest truths about God intertwined with practical application for us as believers. My prayer is that you would be impacted by this passage in such a way that your life would look radically different today and the rest of your life.

Pastor Nate

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